Someone once said, “Beauty is only a lightswitch away.” But I ask, “What do you do about the other 12 hours in the daylight?”
Everybody needs a little help!
Confidence Boosters a la Carte
Image Consulting
2 x 1 hour zoom sessions or if in-person (TBD by distance) 1 x 2 hour personalized session for coaching in choosing most flattering outfits on and off dates, make-up advice, guidance on good hygiene, healthy skin, dazzling teeth and perfume/cologne choices and etiquette
Chivalry 101 (for men)
2 x 1 hour zoom sessions or if in-person (TBD by distance) 1 x 2 hour session for coaching on how to be thoughtful on and off dates with simple gestures, what to do when a woman doesn’t want your chivalry, and other ways to be masculine and attractive without “showing off”
Flirting Skills
2 x 1 hour zoom sessions or if in-person (TBD by distance) 1 x 2 hour session for coaching in flirting appropriately but with fun and flare! You’ll learn how to read social cues better and if someone is flirting back. Homework assignments on flirting will be given!
Table Manners/Restaurant Etiquette
2 x 1 hour zoom sessions or if in-person (TBD by distance) 1 x 2 hour session for coaching in the basics of good table manners and etiquette when dining, how to pronounce commonly mispronounced terminology of food/wine in menus and what to do when the check arrives